“They’ll soon realize I’m not who they think I am.”
Has this thought ever crossed your mind?
Have you ever felt inadequate despite achieving things you worked really hard for?
If there are times you feel like a fraud, you may be struggling with what is known as Imposter Syndrome. We all experience this issue from time to time. With the pressures of life, work and studies, we fall prey to thoughts that convince us we can’t keep up. Here are some strategies to help you cope:
1.Differentiate between humility and fear.
When we experience Imposter Syndrome, we carry with us a fear of being ‘found out’. You may feel as if you don’t deserve that reward, recognition or acknowledgement – the tendency is to hyperfocus on what we have not done right. However, be aware of your talents and abilities. If there are others who have supported you and played a part in your success, acknowledge their contribution without sabotaging yours. Humility comes from knowing what one has achieved without feeling the need to carry those achievements like a label. Not believing your achievements leads to fear.
2. Acknowledge your strengths and achievements.
We often get caught up in completing task after task, forgetting to pause and acknowledge what we have accomplished. It can be helpful to pause every once in a while, take stock and list our strengths, achievements and successes. This can bring a lot of satisfaction and happiness, which helps to combat the Imposter Syndrome.
3. Be open to new opportunities and challenges.
It is common for people struggling with Imposter Syndrome to feel as if they are unable to deliver quality results and keep up to a certain level. As a result, one may end up declining opportunities for fear of not being able to perform. So the next time you feel like turning down an opportunity, approach it from the perspective of using your existing skills and learning from challenges. This will help build resilience and confidence within yourself.
4. A good athlete is still a good athlete even after a couple of bad games.
Many of us tend to use failure to rate ourselves negatively and put ourselves down. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. A few mistakes do not define you as incompetent. Everyone has their off days and that’s ok. As long as you make a majority of your shots count, you will be successful.
5. Try not to compare yourself with others.
There is no prescribed pathway to success. The way other successful song composers work on their music doesn’t mean it is the only right way. Just like if you see a topper using a certain study technique, it doesn’t make that the best way of studying. Each of us has our own unique style that we can use to our advantage in order to become the best version of ourselves .
6. Pay close attention to how you talk to yourself.
Negative comments often come more from our internal chatter than from others. Often, negative self-talk occurs as a result of anticipating or assuming what people will think or say.
Practicing affirmations can help overcome this. By acknowledging yourself, you eventually get into the habit of having a more positive outlook in life and start believing you’re truly worthy.
7. Document your Journey.
From time to time, take stock of your journey and how far you have come. Spending a few minutes every day by yourself to reflect on your journey helps you stay on track. You can journal, take notes on your smartphone, or use your smartphone as a journal.
If you’re facing challenges, Sitting down with someone supportive – be it a family member or friend – to share what you’re going through can also prove helpful.
It is also a great idea to seek professional assistance. Certain kinds of therapy can prove to be highly effective in helping you recognize feelings associated with imposter syndrome and in creating behaviour patterns to overcome this.
At Incontact, we have a team of professionals that help you get the right guidance for all your mental health and wellbeing requirements. Connect with us on incontact.com.sg to get started.
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