How to deal with High-functioning Anxiety

By | July 18, 2022 | |

Are you someone who experiences anxiety while still managing your daily life quite efficiently? Although you may choose to ignore and suppress it, anxiety isn’t something that will just go away. It is essential to find out if you are experiencing high functioning anxiety so that you will be able to deal with it effectively.

Some of the major signs and symptoms to help identify the presence of high-functioning anxiety are:

  • Overthinking and overanalyzing situations or events
  • Restlessness and inability to relax
  • Anticipatory anxiety
  • Irritability and frustration
  • Insomnia and fatigue
  • Excessive need for perfectionism
  • Tendency to dwell on mistakes made in the past
  • Fear of failure or being judgement by others

Aside from these symptoms, you may also experience some physiological effects such as an elevated heart rate, more rapid breathing, sweating, trembling, trouble concentrating or even digestive problems.

There could be several causes for the occurrence of high functioning anxiety in a person. Some of these are:

  • Family history of anxiety disorders
  • Substance or alcohol abuse
  • Physical health problems such as thyroid
  • Impact of childhood trauma or negative experiences in life
  • Negative and stressful way of life

So, how do we go about dealing with and managing high-functioning anxiety effectively? Here are a few pointers to help you.

1. Identify and understand your symptoms

Acceptance is the first step toward dealing with the problem. As with a physical ailment, you should understand and acknowledge the symptoms of high functioning anxiety. Be aware of the signs to look out for in high functioning anxiety.

2. Learn to deal with your fear

As a person dealing with anxiety, you must accept that anxiety will be a part of your life; your job is to become a friend of it. Rather than running away from your fear, face it and face it head-on. Knowing what causes your fear will make it less terrifying and much easier to deal with.

3. Have a healthy relationship with your body

Many may think that anxiety is purely a mental issue, but it can be battled against by taking care of your body and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Just by engaging in simple breathing exercises and meditation during the course of the day can help circulate more oxygen, relax your muscles and lower your blood pressure. Additionally, taking short walks in your free time, preferably in an open and natural environment, can be beneficial too. Find exercises that you enjoy and try them out in your free time. No matter how busy your schedule is, it is recommended to set aside at least 15-20 minutes a day for exercise.

4. Motivate yourself each day with a mantra

The fear and anxiety you feel will make you believe many different kinds of untrue statements, especially ones that say you’re not doing good enough, or that you’re not working hard enough. This will make you feel like and believe that you will never succeed. Remind yourself that you are indeed worthy of all your success and that you are doing your best. Have a mantra that you can say to yourself daily such as:

“I deserve to take care of myself”

“I am working hard enough”

“I am not perfect but I love myself anyway” 

Daily repetition of such phrases will empower you to deal with your anxiety and eventually overcome your need for perfection.

5. Learn to intervene with yourself

Once you learn how to identify your symptoms, you can be more alert to them. As soon as you sense yourself displaying signs of anxiety, take a step back and try to disengage from that situation or thought process. Walk away from anyone or anything that triggers your anxiety and avoid putting yourself in situations that cause you to spiral into negative thinking.

6. Surround yourself with supportive people

Having people who love and care about you goes a long way in helping to deal with high functioning anxiety. It is important to have a strong support system of family and friends with whom you can openly share about your feelings and what you are dealing with. You don’t necessarily have to fight this battle alone; the support of your loved ones can truly help lighten some of that burden on your shoulders.

Using these tips as a high-functioning anxiety toolbox can help you deal and cope with your fears and worries better. Remember, this is not something that can be done easily in a span of a few days. Instead, it requires a great deal of determination and patience with yourself. Your mental health is important, so don’t give up on it!

At Incontact, we have a team of counsellors who are passionate about helping people like you prioritise mental health and look for healthy coping mechanisms to deal with issues like high functioning anxiety. 

Head over to our website to book your appointment with us today!

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