Adoption Counselling

Adoption Counselling

What is Adoption Counselling?

Are you facing an unexpected pregnancy and considering adoption as a loving option for your baby? We understand this can be incredibly challenging and emotional for you. At Incontact, we provide a safe and supportive environment where you can explore the option of adoption with empathy and understanding. Our dedicated team of counsellors is here to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and provide the information you need to make an informed decision.

You are not alone in this journey. Every woman deserves support and empowerment when making life-altering choices. Our counselling services for women with unplanned pregnancies considering adoption are designed to provide the emotional guidance you need during this difficult time. We will walk beside you, offering a non-judgmental space where you can freely express your thoughts and emotions. We aim to help you explore options and make the best decisions for you and your baby.

Adoption is a deeply personal decision, and we want to ensure you have the information to make an informed choice. Our experienced counsellors can guide you through the adoption process, providing unbiased information about your rights, the types of adoption, and the support available throughout the journey. We will help you understand the range of choices and opportunities, allowing you to explore your feelings and decide to align with your values and desires.

Can You Commit To Adoption?

Our services are here to support you, regardless of your decision. Taking the step to seek counselling demonstrates strength and commitment to make the best decision for you and your child. We provide a listening ear, a compassionate heart, and the information you need to make informed choices. Our counsellors are resourced to link you to various agencies in Singapore.

What to do if you know someone with an unplanned pregnancy and are confused?

If a friend or family with an unplanned pregnancy need your support, how can you help them? Knowing exactly how to be there for them can be challenging, incredibly when they are scared, anxious, emotional, confused or angry. Remember that the “how” is less important than simply being there for them. Having someone to help a loved one walk through their options can empower and encourage them. Here is what you can do:

  • Let them verbalise their thoughts, feelings and tentative plans. You need not have all the answers but be there to listen without judgment.
  • Accompany her if she needs support when disclosing to the father of her child, her parents or other family members.
  • Take time to research all the different options available to her. Abortion is often the go-to way out of an unplanned pregnancy, but that is untrue. Look into what happens during the abortion procedures in all trimesters.
  • If that’s her desire, walk through what it would take to parent a child or another child.
  • Read up on what kind of adoption plan she would be willing to pursue: open, semi-open, or closed adoption.
  • Please do not make the decision for her but guide and support her towards one; she needs to own the decision.
  • Point her towards talking to other people supporting her: counsellors, adoption agencies, and clinics.

Contact Us


Adoption Network Law Center. (n.d.). Birth Mothers:

American Pregnancy Association. (n.d.). Unplanned Pregnancy Counseling:

Ministry of Health Singapore: Guidelines on Termination of Pregnancy:

Ministry of Social and Family Development Singapore:  Adopting a Child do/adoption/home#:~:text=All%20prospective%20adopters%20must%20attend,order%20mandatory%20support%2C%20where%20needed.

National Council For Adoption. (n.d.). Birth Parent Services:

Where healing meets growth.

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